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June 30, 2021
SMILE!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Oh my gosh -- we had so much fun at the Facebook Live event last night. I hope you were able to join us. YES -- I know I need to smile ALL THE TIME. My face just looks awful if I don't smile, but you forget! Oh well - it is what it is! 

Almost ready to start!

If you missed the presentation live, you can go back and watch it and see the fun stuff that happened while we did the Spectrum Quilt A Long. 

I'm not sure why I was so busy in the past - now it seems ...

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June 28, 2021
The Virtual Retreat from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OK -- I promise that tomorrow, I'll get started on all the homework photos. I have things to share with you from the Virtual Retreat. 

What fun we had! We got to meet Barb from Maryland!  Lots of familiar faces that stretched across the country and over to Germany. We discovered MANY things, including there's an imposter amongst us! That's all I'm going to say about it, except that we had a good laugh over it. 

We talked about everything and anything, including the FitBit and what it tracks and do they do anything with the data ...

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June 11, 2021
Get a hair cut! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

From time to time (OK - every day), I check the stats on this blog. I'm not sure that I even understand how to read them, but I LOVE how the numbers change depending on the topic. The ketchup story? Lots of readers - so can you tell me who is searching the internet for ketchup? Appears that lots of people are. 

I'm happy (OK - thrilled) to report that today is Friday! What does that mean? Well, it's Step One of reopening in our province, and that means non-essential stores are open (if they choose to be), and so ...

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May 10, 2021
Humpty Dumpty cannot be put back together again from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH - it's a GOOD news day!! I'm thrilled to report that there are now only THREE pineapple blocks to complete. Yes -- I managed to get one done this morning. Now that I'm finished fiddling with the Long Time Gone quilt top, there's time to actually do other things! The remaining three blocks have all been started, so if I don't finish them at Monday sewing today - well - they need to be done!

One pineapple block - DONE

I might even get that last section together and into the quilt. Fingers crossed on that!!!

I got the ...

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May 7, 2021
How would you quilt that? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I don't know that what I did to my Long Time Gone was worth the effort. It's been like a monkey on my back since I started. However, I'm happy that I've done it. And I bet that NO ONE will be able to see what I did. But that's OK. Here's the good news - Sections 1, 2, and 3 are back together. And Section 6 is now completely fixed. Section 5 is almost ready for the final sewing together. That one was easy since I hadn't sewn it completely together. 

I should ...

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November 28, 2020
On a new adventure from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


So today, well, actually yesterday, starts a new Virtual Adventure. I was excited and set up the start date as yesterday. 

Wait a minute - let me backtrack here. I had NOT bought anything as part of Black Friday. I don't need a thing. Not even in the quilting world. Although I did check out a couple of websites, nothing piqued my interest. How could it when there's so much already sitting in Studio B waiting for its turn to hit the sewing machine? Oh - you don't even know half of what's down there. And let's ...

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November 20, 2020
ยป Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Wow --- another great day! Hopefully, everyone got a chance to get outside yesterday. Even though the temperature was warm, the wind was strong! I did a couple of errands, including stopping at the grocery store. My neighbors will start to wonder why I don't drive my car much and why I'm out walking so much! It's all about saving my sanity and feeding my craziness - that I won't share with you - you all know that I'm crazy. 

I had two more successful presentations yesterday. Now that we're organized and the internet issue is resolved ...

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October 1, 2020
In the neighbourhood from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I'm almost out of the woods on the writing assignments. OK - who am I kidding? I'm not. Just because I've almost finished one commitment, doesn't mean that I'm done. NO - hardly, there are still eight more things that need to be addressed on the computer. Thankfully, none of them will take as long as the one I'm completing this morning. Phew! 

So, if you're waiting on a class list or class homework - please be patient for just a while longer. I hope to have a lot of that cleared up by the end ...

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  • spectrum qal
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